The West Bridgford School


Applications for Year 7 places (September 2025) -  Applications for new year 7 places have now closed.  Late applications must be made to Nottinghamshire County Council.  Further information about the Nottinghamshire County Council’s Coordinated Admissions Scheme can be found here.

In-Year Applications (Year 7-11)  Applications for In-year places are processed by the school.  We are oversubscribed in all year groups but if you wish to make an application for an in-year place at the West Bridgford School, please click here to complete our Admission Request Form, a copy is also below if you wish to print and complete.  The outcome of your application will be sent in writing within 15 school days.

Appeals - If a place has been refused and you wish to appeal this decision, please complete the Appeal Request form and email to  Appeals will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.  Appeals are managed by an independent appeals clerk and heard by an independent panel.

Post 16 admissions  - Please refer to the Post 16 Section for admissions or contact for further information.

For more information please contact Louise Attewell or email