A Level Results 2020
Latest Update - Noon - Weds 12th August
How will I receive my grades on Thursday?
A-Level 'Calculated Grades' will be sent home on Thursday 13/8/20 at 8 am via email, directly to student school email accounts. Please email itsupport@wbs.school if you have any issues accessing student email accounts.
If a student would like an interview with a member of Post 16 staff to give advice after receiving their grades please contact post16@wbs.school who will arrange a zoom or telephone interview.
For any other queries about grades please contact examsoffice@wbs.school.
If you wish to obtain a physical copy of your grades please email studentservices@wbs.school who will arrange a pick-up time.
Can you tell me what is happening related to the use of my mock exam grades?
You will have seen in the news over the past 24 hours that significant changes have been announced by the Secretary of State for Education regarding A-Level results and the use of mock examination grades.
We are currently awaiting further guidance from OFQUAL and the exam boards regarding how a student may apply to use a valid mock exam result instead of their calculated grade. We will be in touch again later today as soon as we have more guidance from OFQUAL. Please rest assured that we want this to be as stress-free an experience as it can be and will be working to ensure that this is the case tomorrow.
Best wishes
Cameron Bowie
Director of Post 16
The West Bridgford School