Bridgstock 2019 Rocks the School
Talented pupils ‘never cease to amaze’ their audience
Just before Easter that time of year was here again, one that is firmly in the calendar of students, parents and staff alike; Bridgstock. Bridgstock is organised and run by our sixth form students and is a highly successful example of how fantastic our young people are. The musical talent of our students always shines out. Also, the excellent organisational skills of the sixth formers, the levels of excitement from all the students involved and the joy of seeing all the students’ work as one big ‘Bridgstock family’ always makes this event one of the highlights of the staff and students’, year. Parents’ comments when walking out is always the same, amazement, as each year just gets better and better.
Tickets, yet again, sold out in record time, with Thursday night performances selling out in less then 24 hours. All 480 tickets were sold out in just over a week, illustrating the high demands for the shows. The impact these shows have on students’ school life is reflected by the fact ‘ex-Bridgstockers’ return from University and beyond to watch how the next generation is keeping the Bridgstock fire burning. Spirits and energy levels were high across the three nights, as the huge musical talent of our students, from Year 7 through to Year 13, shone through in stunning performances.
Audiences were also entertained by performances from a teacher band, with Mr Peacock turning in an energetic Buzzcock’s cover. This year, other songs included Young Americans by John David Bowie; Sweet Home Chicago by The Blues Brothers and Flathead by The Fratelli’s. Leaving the audience wanting more, the encore saw a ‘stage invasion’ on all three nights to Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen..
Thank you to everyone for their continued support for this now truly embedded event in the West Bridgford schools year. There is already a buzz amongst staff, students and parents about next year’s concert and organisation for the events will start in June. We hope to see you in the audience next year.
If you would like to view videos from the night, search for Bridgstock 2019 in Youtube. A sample of the performances can be found by clicking on the links below -
You would like to see a wide selection of photos from the event please click here.