We aim to enable our students to learn about the world outside school so that they are aware of the possibilities open to them and to develop a range of skills, which will enable them to make the transition from school into the next phase of their lives. We recognise that guidance should be provided that is in the best interests of the young person, is presented in an impartial manner and that good careers guidance is distinctive to the needs of individual pupils.
Careers Education is delivered through PSHE in Years 7-11 and Learning and Career Development at Post 16, through Enrichment Days, tutor time, assemblies, Information Evenings and sessions with visitors. The curriculum is also seen as an opportunity for all teachers to link curriculum learning with careers. STEM subject teachers highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of future career pathways.
The planned programme of activities enables our students to gain the knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes and attributes required to make informed choices about their 14-19 pathways and to enable them to manage their careers and sustain employment throughout their lives. This will take into account each student’s abilities, needs and preferences.
Our Careers Leaders are Mr Taylor and Mr Bowie (Post 16)
Entitlement Statement
Careers, Education, Advice and Guidance – What can you expect at the West Bridgford School?
As a student at The West Bridgford School you are entitled to receive a planned programme of careers education lessons and events/activities. This programme is designed to help you make informed choices about GCSE and A Level choices and future career.
- You will receive Progress Reports and have regular Parents’ Consultation Afternoons to assess your progress and set targets
- You will receive a programme of specific careers related lessons in PSHE
- You will have access to mentoring support through your pastoral team
- You will have access to Careers resources and information on Brightspace, including access to Unifrog
- You will receive information relevant to your year group through assembly and tutor time and through specific Careers Enrichment Days
- Information events will also be provide for your parents/carers to enable them to support you in your decision making
- You will be given the opportunity to meet a variety of employers
Careers, Education, Advice and guidance - What can you expect in The West Bridgford Sixth Form?
The Post 16 Team at The West Bridgford School is here to help you. Support can be accessed at any time by asking The Director of Post 16, your form tutor or pastoral support.
- You will have a personalised mentoring programme with your form tutor.
- You will receive Progress Reports and have regular Parents’ Consultation Afternoons to assess your progress and set targets
- You will have access to careers resources in the Sixth Form Study Room.
- You will have opportunities to develop your leadership and employability skills
- You will be invited to attend regular careers talks from a variety of external speakers
- You will be given the opportunity to attend a High Level/Degree Level Apprenticeship Fair
- participation opportunities including residential summer schools.
- Information and support about how to apply for apprenticeships and jobs.